I love everything about the wedding day: the months of preparations finally realizing themselves, the details, the nerves, the hairspray, the anticipation. My favorite part, though, has to be the moment when the bride and groom meet for the first time. In those moments it's as if all the nerves flutter away and are replaced by a quiet, relaxed contentment. It's an obvious transformation from running around like crazy making sure all the bags are packed and that mom got the steamer out of the closet and oh, my goodness, I hope it doesn't rain - is Aunt Jackie bringing that weird new boyfriend.... to Ahhhh, finally.
Kate was a dream bride the whole day - relaxed and excited. We did have some rain just before the outdoor ceremony but that cleared up and cooled things down a bit. But as calm and cool as she was before the ceremony, once she and Brett were hand in hand, she was nothing but grins and giggles the rest of the day.
Remember their fabulous sailboat engagement? Keeping with the theme, Kate and Brett were married at the Lyman Harbor in Sandusky, Ohio, which provided some fun backdrops and a killer reception venue. I got to spend the morning with the ladies at Captain Montague's B&B while Ben hung out with guys and, so I hear, played games and made milkshakes. We had a blast with you two, K&B, thank you so much for inviting us to be a part of your beautiful lakeside day!
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Ohio Lake Erie Wedding
Ohio lake Erie Wedding
Ohio Lake Erie Wedding
Ohio Lake Erie Wedding
Ohio Lake Erie Wedding
Ohio Lake Erie Wedding
Ohio lake Erie wedding
Ohio lake Erie wedding
Ohio lake Erie wedding
Ohio Lake Erie Wedding
Ohio lake Erie wedding
Ohio Lake Erie Wedding
Ohio Lake Erie Wedding
Ohio Lake Erie Wedding
Ohio Lake Erie Wedding
Ohio Lake Erie Wedding
Ohio Lake Erie Wedding
Vendors: Hair Stylist: Dani Poggi, Aristocuts Salon
Accommodations: Captain Montague's B&B
Flowers: Corso's Florist
Cake: Susan Brandeberry
Ceremony, Reception Venue: Lyman Harbor
DJ: Buckeye Sounds