An hour or so before a photo shoot I usually get butterflies in my stomach, freak out over the possibility of getting the time or location wrong, take a few breaths and logically work my way back down. Prior to this session, though, the butterflies felt more like bluejays; I wanted to get this one so right. Shanna and Collin (below, far left), are new friends of ours, but hold such a dear spot in our hearts -- they've had such a scary, emotional ride with their sweet little miracle baby, Griffin, who was born premature and has undergone several intense surgeries. While in the NICU, they met our friends Joe & Josie whose winter days were also extra long as their newborn, Henry, struggled along. Each family's story is so full of grace and mercy; last Sunday Joe had the honor of baptizing Henry & Griffin at church - not a dry eye in the house, you guys. Griffin and Henry are both doing well and couldn't be any cuter.
Collin's sister, Lindsey (far right), gave birth to sweet baby Zeek just four days after Griffin was born, so you can imagine the roller coaster of emotions this beautiful family has experienced in the last year. It was such an honor to spend the morning capturing their overwhelming love and joy for one another and for these babies. Zeek and Griffin did so good in the chilly morning air (how cute is that hat?!), and, how stunning is Collin and Lindsey's mom, Anne? I dare you to find a more genuine family. Double dog dare you.