When asked to seat ourselves alphabetically on the first day of school, most kids would switch seats at least 3 times before correctly placing themselves while I, being the only one with a last name beginning with Z, located the very last seat and took it. The desks in my sixth grade math class were arranged in a square so that the end (Zopfi), sat by the beginning (Baker). Christine had a quiet confidence about her and though I hadn't been at the school very long, I knew she was one of the popular girls. So when we had a conversation about how much we both liked milk, I counted it a small adolescent victory.
A decade and some time later, I received the sweetest email from Christine asking if we could meet and talk about her upcoming wedding. She and her fiancè, Ty, were planning an autumn wedding in Tennessee -- family only with a larger reception to take place later in January. These two are perfect for each other. Within minutes of meeting Ty I had an idea of how much he adored Christine. The way he looked at her, the way he joked with her, the anticipation with which he spoke about their upcoming wedding; I couldn't wait to photograph their wedding day!
Christine looked stunning and her calm, content spirit was contagious. Before Ty seated his mother at the ceremony, I overheard him express how grateful he was that all of his grandparents could be at this special event and I was again reminded of how fortunate I was to be there with such genuine people. It was a chilly fall afternoon giving everyone an excuse to cuddle up. The outdoor venue provided a perfect backdrop of color and light; I was so glad to have my mom as a second shooter, she grabbed some great shots! The beautiful ceremony took place at Laurelwood Farms on Signal Mountain, Tennessee and was followed by a sweet time of celebration at the Renaissance Commons as family shared funny stories and tender exhortations with the newlyweds.
Christine & Ty, I am so thankful to have been a part of your wonderful day. You two are remarkable; I am confident that you will continue to be a blessing to all those in your life and now even more so as a married couple.

Vendors List Ceremony: Laurelwood Farms http://www.laurelwoodweddings.com/Reception: Renaissance Commons http://www.bluffviewartdistrict.com/Florist: Grafe Studios http://www.flowersmakeyouhappy.com/Check back soon for a preview of Ty & Christine's winter wedding reception!