St. John USVI

Film from our January five-year anniversary trip to St. John is here! Ben's parents were married on the U.S. Virgin Island 30 years ago and now spend a portion of their Winter there so we scoot down for a visit and some Vitamin D when we can. This was Ruthie-girl's first island adventure and it was such a treat to experience the ocean and sand and rocks and waves and shells through the eyes of her little wonder-filled spirit. Also a giant bonus to vacation with grandparents -- we got to slip away for brunch or an afternoon beach visit several days. Happy Five Years, BG. Here's 5x12 more.

St. John USVI, Film by Lily Glass
St. John USVI, Film by Lily Glass
St. John USVI, Film by Lily Glass
St. John USVI, Film by Lily Glass
St. John USVI, Film by Lily Glass
St. John USVI, Film by Lily Glass
St. John USVI, Film by Lily Glass
St. John USVI, Film by Lily Glass

The island is only 8 miles long but we find new things to do each trip -- this time Ben and I hiked Ram's Head Trail by full moonlight and I took one roll of 3200 BW film, skeptical than anything would turn out but so pleased to have a few images to remember such a sweet night. 

St. John USVI, Film by Lily Glass
St. John USVI, Film by Lily Glass
St. John USVI, Film by Lily Glass
St. John USVI, Film by Lily Glass
St. John USVI, Film by Lily Glass
St. John USVI, Film by Lily Glass
St. John USVI, Film by Lily Glass
St. John USVI, Film by Lily Glass
St. John USVI, Film by Lily Glass
St. John USVI, Film by Lily Glass
St. John USVI, Film by Lily Glass
St. John USVI, Film by Lily Glass
St. John USVI, Film by Lily Glass
St. John USVI, Film by Lily Glass
St. John USVI, Film by Lily Glass

Three minutes into her first beach visit she was digging in the sand and running fearless into the ocean. She's an adventurer and it makes her Mama proud (and terrified of upcoming teenage years).

St. John USVI, Film by Lily Glass
St. John USVI, Film by Lily Glass
St. John USVI, Film by Lily Glass
St. John USVI, Film by Lily Glass
St. John USVI, Film by Lily Glass
St. John USVI, Film by Lily Glass
St. John USVI, Film by Lily Glass
St. John USVI, Film by Lily Glass

Images shot with Kodak Portra. Thanks to Richard Photo Lab for the always lovely processing. Want more sunshine?! Visit St. John via Instagram. Want sunshine in real life? We're pretty partial but Sea Turtle Villa is the place to stay on St. John.