The Glass Family | January 2k17

In addition to my 2017 goal of stepping in front of the camera a bit more, I'm challenging myself to share more personal snapshots of our family on a monthly basis. This is mostly a plot to get myself to actually edit our personal images instead of just throwing them on a hard drive but so long as I think the internet is holding me accountable, I should become none the wiser. 

2016 turned out to be one of our most-traveled years to date. Though we hardly left the state, we had opportunity to explore the vast topographies and climates of our dear california and we soaked up every minute of it. Some super sweet family time for the three of us before we welcome this fourth member any day now. For personal work I try to shoot mostly film as it adds to my being more present and aware - I'm not just firing away at every little moment but more choosy about what I document and less distracted by my camera. And then we get to relive the whole experience when the film comes back a few days later. I 100% recommend it. below are some favorites from our time in sequoia, big bear, twenty-nine palms and joshua tree.

Los Angeles, CA or Ruthie's Big Adventure

My love affair with film continues -- it's slowly becoming all I use for personal work and I hope to be incorporating it more into my professional work soon (more on that to come!). I woke up to an email from Richard Photo Lab on my birthday letting me know that my film scans were ready for viewing and I couldn't have asked for a better birthday gift! This was my first time using RPL and they lived up to all the hype -- such rich image color and texture. (You getting nervous, DSLR? You should be.) And so here's a peak at the fun we had touring L.A. with our good friends over at Ginger & Birch. The Avalon Hotel provided a perfect setting and delicious coffee for our loungey-baby-napping-mornings.


If the trip had a theme, it would be good food. Thanks to Ashley for her mad research skillz. We ate good, y'all. Favorite setting goes to Eveleigh on Sunset Blvd.


A spontaneous highlight of the trip was stumbling upon the Painstakingly Made Pop-Up shop hosted by Jihan at Geronimo Balloons -- so many fabulous hand made delights and great to meet some faces that we follow online ( Paper & Type and Darling Magazine )!


A secondary theme for the trip might be: We are not cool enough for this place. If you're ever in L.A., drop by The Hart and the Hunter for you've ever had. (I'm from the South so my biscuit review is legit, folks.)


And then there was the most magical moment of the journey : sharing the wonder and awe of the ocean with our baby girl. It's a humbling thing to experience such beauty with a person whose brand new eyes have never seen such a thing. Your heart gets swollen and eyes a little misty and that desire to only share with her life's most beautiful things is satisfied for a moment.


Ashley's sister Whitney is living in L.A., so we had an insider's know-where-to-go-for-killer-sunset-watching. And so we went. And it was the perfect last day.


Thank you A&A for your crazy "let's invite a six month baby to share a hotel room with us." It was wonderful.

And delicious.

All images shot with Kodak Portra 400 35mm film.